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本产品或产品列表只能通过亚马逊购买,因此, 不能在AWT商店添加到您的购物车. 点击你感兴趣的产品的链接,你就会感兴趣 重定向到亚马逊商店购买.
得到最终结果 Legionella 十大菠菜网排行和学习指南. 开发帮助 prepare for the ASSE 12080 certification exam,以及任何关注水上安全的专业人士.
The Water Hardness and Scaling kit is designed 30名学生,五人一组. 包括在每节课是 演示材料和设备、练习册、真实场景、 background information, and a teacher's manual. 这些课堂材料是 可供AWT会员购买并捐赠给当地学校, 课外小组、夏令营、俱乐部等. 现在,当你的孩子问, “你是做什么的??“你可以展示给他们看! 这套教材的主题包括: 1)探索水处理领域的STEM职业机会. 2)观察水化学如何影响水垢的形成. 3) Analyze water samples from various sources for hardness. 4)了解水处理如何减少水垢沉积. 5)进行成本分析以显示水处理的有效性.
此视频仅对拥有帐户并已登录的人员可用. If you'd like to setup an account please contact apike@dongxin01.com. 这是视频订阅. 在您购买之后,我们会在确认邮件中给您发送一个链接. 购买时,您将有12个月(s)从购买之日起, 结束11/10/2024, 观看本视频.
This presentation will allow you to understand the use of stabilized chlorine in 冷却塔.
Chemistry and efficacy of stabilized chlorine
Ellen Meyer
Operation of 冷却塔 with high cycles of concentration is problematic for use of oxidizing biocides. Particularly with concerns about pathogenic organisms such as Legionella, 冷却塔中微生物控制的重要性对公共安全以及传热效率都至关重要. 稳定氯在氧化性杀菌剂可能很快耗尽的高需求环境中显示出优势. This presentation will discuss the chemistry of stabilized chlorine and its efficacy against 微生物. 还将提供实际应用信息.
Ellen Meyer是Sigura公司的产品安全和政府事务经理, 全球领先的水处理产品供应商. 2001年加入Sigura之前, 艾伦在宾夕法尼亚州的贝茨实验室工作,在那里她开发了用于工业用水和废水处理的新产品. 艾伦得了B.S. 威廉玛丽学院化学学位和博士学位.D. 西北大学无机化学专业毕业. 她是PHTA康乐水质委员会的前任主席. She currently serves on the chlorine stabilizer ad hoc committee for CDC's Model Aquatic Health Code, the NSF task group for pool chemical evaluation, and the AWWA disinfectants standards committee.
Trace Blackmore, CWT
布莱克摩尔企业, Inc.
Jill Cavano
Trace Blackmore是一名注册水技术专家,拥有并经营 布莱克摩尔企业. 布莱克摩尔企业位于亚特兰大,提供完善和成熟的水处理方案,旨在降低运营成本,延长设备寿命. 他对教学充满热情. Blackmore is the creator and host of Scaling UP! H2O,世界上最受欢迎的水处理播客.
吉尔于1999年在斯克兰顿律师事务所工作. Scranton Associates is a family owned custom chemical blender, Jill is proud to be the fourth generation in the business. 2008年,斯克兰顿公司搬迁到目前位于俄亥俄州斯特朗斯维尔的工厂. 斯克兰顿公司在2015年被授予AWT年度供应商奖. Jill is an active member of the AWT Young Professionals Task Force and Business Resources Committee.
Swati Sharma
比较了电混凝(EC) +电氧化(EO)联合处理与电化学过氧化(ECP)处理葵花籽油废水的效果. 外加电流密度的影响, pH /过氧化氢用量, 去除COD的操作时间, sCOD, TOC, and DOC were studied using Box Behnken Design. 在EC过程中, 随着时间和电流密度的增加,有机浓度降低. 在pH为6的条件下,得到了EC工艺的优化条件.07时电流密度为5.69 mA cm-2作用18分钟. 在最佳pH为5的条件下,EO对DOC的去除率约为90%.27,电流密度11.56毫安cm-2时,操作400分钟. EC+ EO联合工艺对葵花籽油厂废水有机污染物的去除率达到90 ~ 95%. The energy consumption was calculated to compare between the process efficiency of EC+EO and ECP. 反应速率符合一级动力学,R2大于0.96.
5年以上工业工作经验, 利用生物和电化学方法处理城市和农业废水. 目前在水工程公司担任污水技术专家. 斯瓦蒂在北达科他州立大学完成了环境工程博士学位.
该文件将评估试点测试水域, 方法和结果从添加剂促进高LSI应用,同时呈现新的数据使用最先进的设备状态.
- Case Histories that Show the Criticality of Establishing Realistic Water Chemistry and System Conditions
- Presentation of New Data which Demonstrate Realistic Failure Points using State of the Art Pilot Equipment
独立的水处理专业人员利用供应商的数据来支持他们在配方中整合和使用添加剂,并确定现场应用中的使用限制. 而许多供应商利用功能, bench top screening methods to compare additives, some suppliers also utilize custom built pilot test equipment. In general, 先导测试被认为可以提供更真实的数据,更有效地复制现场应用,并确定测试添加剂的性能极限. In most cases, 试点测试确实包含了更完整和真实的水化学, 传热更接近地复制了现场系统和操作参数,如流速和速度,使这些评估对水处理专业人员更加可信和有用. 在其他情况下, pilot data can utilize unrealistic conditions that suggest additive efficacy limits well beyond what could be pratically observed in field use applications.
The intent of this paper is to provide the membership with an overview of the importance of pilot testing in establishing an additive's performance limits, 提供与行业使用规范相比较的已公布数据的调查, 并提出了新的数据,证明了目前在LSI值高于2的水中使用的添加剂的实际限制.5 and calcite saturation limits approaching 250X.
Michael Standish is founder of Radical Polymers, LLC, 一家专门为独立水处理社区开发和提供技术的企业. Mike has over 32 years experience in water treatment additive design, development and evaluation. 在形成自由基聚合物之前, Mike served as Senior Business Manager for International Specialty Products and Global Business Manager for National Starch's Alco Chemical business. Mike has served on the 董事会 of AWT and holds a BS in Chemistry and Masters in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
While Chlorine is one of the most widely used test parameters to determine water quality throughout the world, do we really understand the mechanism that Chlorine uses to achieve disinfection or removal of Biofilm? 或者我们只是接受和测试? 了解氯与水系统其他组分相互作用的背景是为应用选择正确测试的基础.
自1894年被确认以来, 作为水中潜在的杀菌添加剂, 我们对氯的行为和有效的条件的理解已经有所发展.
Early control of the Chlorine level was based on adding a fixed amount of Chlorine to a given volume of water, 但随着疾病控制知识的增长,很快就发现随时了解氯残留水平更有用. The first test used to do this was a cumbersome iodiometric test using starch iodide. 到1908年,它已被邻苯二甲酸乙酯(OTO)广泛取代。.
OTO方法的普及在20世纪初迅速增长th 因为它在当时是一种很好的控制方法. 它是可靠的和经济有效的. 它可以供非技术人员使用,而且很容易得到.
直到20世纪30年代中期,科学家们才了解了这个突破点和氯化作用, 这就需要一种能够区分免费和免费的测试方法, 总氯和化合氯.
In 1957 the DPD Method was introduced and, for many, has become the standard test used for Chlorine.
在本文中,我们将讨论所有目前正在使用的方法, 他们的应用程序, 干扰, pros, 并且会揭开一些围绕试剂名称和技术的谜团.
凯瑟琳·艾伦 is an Application Specialist and Product Manager at Tintometer Ltd, 专注于工业水处理市场的产品. Catherine is a graduate of Newcastle University having received a BSc hons degree in Applied Biology.
After graduation Catherine immediately started work as a Technical Specialist for a test kit manufacturer working in both laboratory and sales roles. Now, with over 21 years' experience in water testing, Catherine经常被咨询有关工业水测试应用的测试套件和产品设计的知识.
When and why are more sophisticated appropriate?
指数之间有关系吗. 剂量和治疗失效点?
Rob Ferguson
Predictive models and tests have evolved 显著 since the marble test of the early twentieth century, 简单驱动力指数如所有指数之父, 20世纪30年代的兰吉利尔饱和指数, 通过20世纪70年代早期的物种形成引擎和21世纪的高离子强度模型. 其他模型如碳酸钙沉淀电位和瞬时过剩, 预测可能出现的尺度降水的数量.
This paper discusses the differences between the indices and their interpretation.
1974年,Rob Ferguson开始开发计算机模型,用于预测和控制工业用水的水垢和腐蚀. 主要成就包括
* the development of the first user friendly, practical scale predictive programs
*开发第一个包括驱动力的剂量模拟系统, 时间和温度的影响
* designing and implementing the first real time controller for dosage optimization
* developing and marketing the first economical, PC based, user friendliy water treatment simulation software which has become the industry standard world wide
他于1989年共同创立了French Creek Software,并为French Creek被评为年度AWT供应商而感到自豪. Rob是Ray Baum奖得主,经常为AWT年度会议和分析师撰稿,他的座右铭是PChem为乐趣和利润服务.
与会者将了解物理水处理(PWT)颗粒沉淀系统用于悬浮/溶解固体管理的技术和优势, control, and removal.
利用开环冷凝器水的水冷系统在超过100亿平方英尺的商业中使用, 机构, 和遍布美国的工业设施. 化学水处理, 伴随着持续的监测和控制, 保持循环冷凝器水回路的状态,以尽量减少不必要的矿物结垢条件, fouling, corrosion, 生物生长.
1998年,美国政府宣布.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program issued a Federal Energy Alert describing the use of water treatment technologies using electric, electronic, 或磁性应用(也称为物理水处理), or PWT).
A PWT-based, particle-precipitator system exists to control and remove suspended/dissolved solids. This system is superior to traditional side-steam filtration systems and provides enhanced heat efficiency transfer throughout the entire cooling process. PWT technologies work alongside existing chemical treatment, and, in fact, 可靠地提高了这些系统的有效性. An effective side stream particle precipitator delivers the advantages associated with PWT applications. This presentation will review a decade of usage data at multiple facilities and highlight measurable, 有文件证明的能源使用效益, water use, 减少维修费用. We will also illustrate the success of PWT through a case study involving a large university medical center, as just one of many well-established case studies.
Paul Q. McLaine是ElectroCell Systems, Inc .的总裁/创始人. (联袂演示者)
Mr. McLaine一直是PQ Energy Controls, Inc .的所有者和运营商. since 1976. PQ能量控制设计, installs, 并服务于大型办公大楼的楼宇自动化系统, 教育校园, 工业设施. In 1997 Paul founded ELECTROchem Water Systems, 前身为ElectroCell Systems, 为制药设施提供水质改善系统. 他把大部分时间都花在了完善电池系统上, and addressing and further improving chiller efficiencies in open- and closed-loop HVAC systems. Paul holds two patents on his product, with two additional patents currently pending. Over the past two years he has developed a distributor network and marketed the ElectroCell System nationally. ElectroCell的目标是在美国的每一个主要市场建立业务.S. 这座城市希望减少整个美国的环境碳足迹.
老布鲁斯·克特里克. CWT#155 -首席执行官,嘉德CSC(联合主持人)
拥有超过40年的水处理行业经验. Mr. Ketrick曾在预处理系统领域从事水处理工作, 锅炉水处理, 冷却水处理, 废水处理计划, 产品开发, 现场技术支持, 系统培训. 他是The 十大菠菜靠谱老平台的成员. Ketrick曾在教育部任职, Technical, Legislative, 及认证委员会, 提交的技术论文, 为商业杂志写文章. He has been an instructor on water treatment training issues for The Association of Energy Engineers, 十大菠菜靠谱老平台, 水质协会, 宾夕法尼亚州能源办公室, 新泽西州锅炉密封认证学校, 和Aesys锅炉服务学校. Mr. Ketrick is the 2006 Ray Baum Memorial Award winner "Water Technologist of the Year".
学习者将看到各种各样的微生物存在于污水处理厂. 提出了一些优化预处理厂废水处理的方法.
可溶性有机碳/营养物对微生物生物量的影响, 捕食者和猎物之间的关系, 营养喂养水平的概念,
Hydraulic retention time and sludge retention time
Food:microbe ratio, Sludge age, Mean cell retention time
Amanda Meitz
锅炉和冷却系统支持食品和饮料厂的生产, 化工厂和其他制造商. 这些过程产生的废水可能会进入现场预处理设施,处理废物,然后排放到, frequently, 当地的下水道和随后的接收水. Opportunities may exist for water treatment personnel to apply their knowledge of water chemistry, 用一些生物学原理增强, 并将这些信息应用到他们的客户在预处理工厂所面临的事实中.
An abundant microbial population is crucial to the performance of biological wastewater treatment plants. 将提供微生物活动的照片,以展示多样性. Biological concepts of natural selection and trophic feeding levels are the basis for some methods to optiimize performance of wastewater pretreatment facilities.
Amanda Meitz是Biosolutions有限责任公司的老板,这是一家水和水沉积物测试实验室. 她在莫卧儿研究冷却水杀菌剂, Dexter, 泰华施水务技术公司, 纳尔科多元化技术. 她持有Adrian College的生物学学士学位和Michigan State University的微生物学硕士学位. Biosolutions provides consultative and analytical support including analysis of metals in water, 一般化学和水中的微生物.
To demonstrate how understanding a customer's key objectives and goals can lead to a sustainable solution.
Mike Hunter, AP Tech Group, Inc.
马蒂·邓普顿, Visentia -将在演示期间提供回答问题和论文作者的服务
工业设施一直在寻找提高员工安全的方法,并减少其运营对环境的影响. 在大型场地周围分布有多个冷却系统的设施通常面临着管理许多20和200升的容器的问题,这可能会产生不良的安全和环境影响.
众所周知,固体成型技术降低了运费,CO2 emissions, operator handling and exposure and disposal volume to landfill over traditional liquid chemicals. 主要的挑战是提供一个经济有效的完整的水处理方案,以便利用多种化学品的这些优势,同时保持或提高方案的性能.
在新西兰的一个大型食品生产设施实施了一个项目,将所有液体冷却水化学转化为固体产品. 七个冷却系统中的两个已在2019年完全转换,其余五个将在2020年转换.
The total program administered in this study includes a multifunctional corrosion and scale inhibitor, 氧化抗微生物剂, pH control and biodispersant all in solid form.
通过将每个包裹的重量减少四倍,安全风险得到了改善. 除此之外,处理事件的频率也减少了.
减少与运输有关的二氧化碳,改善了对环境的影响2 在整个项目中以[TBC]为系数的排放量. In addition to this, disposal of liquid packaging to landfill was almost eliminated.
Mike Hunter, AP Tech Group, Inc. - AP Tech的Mike Hunter为全球的水处理合作伙伴和客户提供卓越的服务. 作为一名拥有超过35年销售经验的化学家, 具有商业水处理的服务和管理经验, Mike帮助客户制定安全和可持续的水处理方案.
Mike自2013年以来一直在AP Tech工作. 他于1977年在豪斯曼海格罗开始了他的职业生涯,担任销售和服务实习生, after obtaining his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Salford University. 在他22年的众议院生涯中, he progressed through a series of sales and technical responsibilities to senior management roles.
In 1999, Mike joined Halox Technologies as VP Sales and Marketing where he was a key contributor to the introduction of a revolutionary 二氧化氯 generator. 2004年,Mike与三位合伙人共同创办了Waterchem(英国). 担任水化学水务部门的销售总监, Mike还负责公司内化学品范围的技术支持功能和产品开发方面. 2010年,Waterchem被出售给Green Compliance plc.
该计划将提供有关如何开始与联邦政府开展业务的重要信息, 州和地方机构, 为现有和有经验的政府承办商及时提供有关问题和陷阱的有用信息.
1. 某些企业可能有资格获得特殊待遇和优惠.
2. 如何开始与联邦、州和地方机构开展业务.
3. 为现有及有经验的政府承办商提供适时及有用的资讯,让他们了解潜在的风险.
Skip Hindman, a shareholder in the Washington D.C. 他是贝克·唐纳森政府合同集团的负责人. 他有代表联邦和州承包商准备投标的经验, bid protests, compliance, 以及执法行动. He has advised clients competing for and performing contracts with the United States Department of Defense; the Department of Energy, NASA, the Tennessee Valley Authority; the Small Business Administration; the Department of Education; the Social Security Administration; the Food & Drug Administration; the Army Corps of Engineers; FEMA; the Department of Veterans Affairs; and the General Services Administration (Federal Supply Schedule). Mr. Hindman还是范德比尔特法学院的兼职法学教授,他在那里教授政府合同课程.
亚当·格林(Adam Green)是贝克·唐纳森水务技术公司休斯敦办事处的股东之一 & 水处理组. 除了处理与水处理系统和水传播病原体有关的纠纷 throughout the United States and in various international venues, 他也经常在商业交易的各个阶段为化学水处理商提供咨询,包括各种形式的合同协议. He is a regular presenter and author of technical publications at industry groups including the 十大菠菜靠谱老平台 and the Cooling Technology Institute.
Government contracts can be lucrative and open an entirely new market to contractors who have previously only focused on private sector and commercial contracts. 政府合同对可能有资格获得拨款和优惠的小企业尤其有吸引力, 使他们在获得政府奖励方面比大企业有明显的优势. 该计划将提供有关如何开始与联邦政府开展业务的重要信息, 州和地方机构, 为现有和有经验的政府承办商及时提供有关问题和陷阱的有用信息.
This presentation will demonstrate how on-site qPCR has both a strong positive and negative predictive value and is an advantageous tool to minimize Legionella risk.
1. 它将利用最近发表的一项研究来证明军团病是常见的和未得到充分诊断的,以及这种疾病的流行如何归因于目前使用的检测方法 Legionella 在水系统中.
2. For the first two case study, it will highlight the inaccuracies when using culture to determine Legionella 量化. 它将证明现场进行qPCR可以将风险降到最低,并证明去污程序的有效性.
3. 对于第三个案例研究, 在医疗机构完成, 结果表明,与传统qPCR相比,现场qPCR的阳性预测值高于实验室培养.
Shaimaa Ahmed博士.
HVAC 冷却塔 are a significant source of Legionella bacteria, the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease (LD). 在最近的研究中, 评估了夏季在一家大型社区医院治疗的肺炎病例中军团病(LD)的发生频率. 在接受检测的33例患者中,9例(28%)呈阳性 Legionella. Three sets of the 9 Legionella cases exhibited spatiotemporal clustering indicative of LD outbreaks. It has been suggested that the prevalence of the disease may be linked to the methods used to quantify Legionella 在水系统中. 目前的检测标准是实验室培养,由于样品处理容易产生不准确性, 以及运输的要求. On-site qPCR is not susceptible to these effects and offers a rapid sample-to-result turnaround time. We describe three case studies tested by both on-site qPCR and laboratory culture that highlight the advantages of on-site qPCR in determining the presence of Legionella 在水系统中. In all three cases, laboratory culture produced inconsistent or inaccurate results. 两个案例研究说明了快速现场qPCR检测系统的监测和定量的价值 Legionella 在暖通空调冷却塔,以及确认净化程序. 这两个案例研究都强调了qPCR的阴性预测值. 在第三个案例中, 在医疗机构完成, 结果表明,与传统qPCR相比,现场qPCR具有优于实验室培养的阳性预测值. Overall, these case studies indicate that on-site qPCR is a powerful tool to minimize risk to individuals as it has a strong positive and negative predictive value.
Shaimaa Ahmed是R&斯巴达环境测试部门的负责人. 她拥有加拿大多伦多大学药理学和毒理学博士学位.
在去年的会议上, 我提交了一篇题为, “多代水处理公司-留下持久的影响.“这篇论文的目的有四个:1)提高做战略规划的意识, 2)提供有益的十大菠菜网排行, 3)用已经或正在成功完成转型的公司的故事来鼓励公司, and 4) providing next steps that an owner can take.
我在今年提议的会议上的目标是为业主提供更多细节和具体的下一步措施. 当我们能够提供明确的步骤时,我们将激励人们采取行动.
我不是遗产规划专家,也不是律师或保险专家. 我只是自己在处理这个过程,我相信保持简单(这是我所能做的,因为我不是技术专家)会促使人们采取他们应该采取的行动.
主持人的资格; I'm second generation; 40 years with HOH, 30岁的总统(儿子里德), 首席运营官兼女婿安迪, VP of Sales, both with HOH ~six years); BSME, MBA, M.Div; Past President of Associated Labs, etc.
本讲座的目的是向与会者提供有关现有标准的信息, 指引及规例. The presentation will also focus on the efforts being made by the regulating agencies having jurisdiction and industry and professional associations working to develop standards to establish minimum requirements for supplemental disinfectants application.
Alberto Comazzi博士
Awareness of Legionella and Legionaries' disease by the public and the media has increased more in the last two years than in the previous two decades. 发生这种情况的原因之一是, 根据疾病控制中心(CDC)的报告, the number of reported Legionaries' diseases cases have increased by a 4x factor in the last ten years.
尽管军团菌病是一种众所周知的疾病,而且很清楚它是如何感染的, 没有一种通用的技术可以保证100%的预防疾病.
建筑物的业主和管理者应采取的第一步是建立一个水管理团队,并制定水管理计划. 各种行业协会和组织(NSF), ASHRAE, ASDWA, AIHA) are developing standards and guidelines to assist facilities in developing water safety plans and implementing remediation technologies.
There are several technologies that are available, 包括无残留技术(紫外线和臭氧)和能够在建筑水系统中建立化学残留的方法, also know as "supplemental disinfectant" (chlorine, monochloramine, 二氧化氯, ionization). Among all the methods here reported only chlorine, monochloramine and 二氧化氯 are listed as disinfectants under the EPA-Safe Drinking Water Act.
尽管设施所有者/管理者可以在建筑物中实施几种消毒选择和技术, there is no uniformity on the requirements that a disinfectant/technology has to fulfill in order to be permitted by the agency that has jurisdiction.
唯一适用于全国的联邦法规是《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》(40 CFR 141)。. 本条例适用于社区供水系统和非暂态非社区供水系统. 非暂态非社区供水系统(NTNCWS)的定义是“每年至少六个月定期向至少25个相同的人供水的公共供水系统”。. It is easy to understand that buildings such as hospitals, 养老院, hotels, condominiums and dormitories all fall under this category.
这一定义使建筑物业主/管理人员处于困难的境地,因为在饮用水中添加消毒剂(处理)使设施符合与公共供水相同的要求. The States are responsible for the enforcement of this rule, 但具有主导地位的监管机构可能因州而异(DOH), EPA, and DEP). 每个州的要求各不相同, 例如,佛罗里达州只要求冷水申请许可证,而新泽西州根本不需要许可证. 这种不一致使业主和管理者感到困惑,常常使他们觉得只有他们必须处理这一严重的公共卫生问题.
这次演讲的目的是让观众了解现有法规的最新进展, standards, 指导方针和许可要求以及监管机构应该做出的努力,以便在安装补充消毒系统时达成共识和最低要求.
Dr. Alberto Comazzi earned a PhD in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Milan. His research during his academic experience was focused on the study of the stability and the interaction among different chlorine based water disinfectants. Alberto是ASHRAE SSPC 188委员会的成员.
Dr. Comazzi目前在美国费城的Sanipur担任技术总监. Sanipur美国分销并提供技术支持,生产和应用补充消毒剂,用于修复建筑公用事业供水系统中的军团菌.
The health insurance market continues to be extremely challenging to business owners across the country. This program aims to break down some of the complexities, 提供最新的行业和市场状况, 并为医疗保险体系提供切实可行的解决方案.
Josh Estelle
Josh Estelle, CIC, CSRM, CWCA is an owner and partner in McGowan Insurance Group and McGowan Benefit Group, 总部都设在印第安纳波利斯, Indiana. 在过去的20年里,乔希一直是一家保险和员工福利公司的老板,在此期间,他一直积极地为数百名雇主管理福利计划. Josh has obtained multiple professional designations in the industry and serves on a number of State and National committees relating to insurance and employee benefits. Josh and his staff work with employers as small as two employees up to employers that have thousands of employees and dependents on employee benefit plans, 所以他对小型全额保险计划和大型保险计划都很了解, 自筹资金安排. In that role, the benefits division at McGowan Insurance actively manages every aspect of the employee benefits plans for their clients to insure they are examining every possible cost-saving measure available in every aspect of the plan. 乔什和他的妻子简, 还有他们的女儿娜塔莉, 住在印第安纳州中部,活跃于许多当地社区组织,喜欢在空闲时间看娜塔莉参加体育和其他活动.
For most employers that choose or are required to offer health benefits and related products to employees, 这项费用是每年损益表上的第二大项目. In addition, 如果没有积极管理, 它每年的增长速度可能比损益表上的任何其他项目都要快, as well. 请加入我们,麦高恩福利集团的乔希·埃斯特尔将为我们介绍员工福利行业的最新状况, 2020年的成本驱动因素是什么, 可以采取什么措施来帮助控制成本上升,员工福利领域的未来前景如何. The attached agenda is a high level overview of topics to be covered along with a Q&演讲后的会议.
Shivi Selvaratnam博士.D.
Legionella is an Opportunistic Waterborne Pathogen that exists as a free-living organism and an intracellular parasite in which several amoeba species serve as the host organism. 的生命周期 Legionella 被描述为依赖于存在于复杂生物膜群落中的变形虫宿主的存在. 这种宿主-寄生虫关系是必要的还是机会主义的关系尚不清楚. 在本文中, 我们检查饮用水和非饮用水(冷却塔水)水系统的存在 Legionella spp. and amoeba. 我们使用传统的培养技术来确定和量化 军团菌spp. and a LIVE/DEAD® stain to determine the presence of and quantify live and dead amoeba. The LIVE/DEAD stain uses the dyes Syto 9® and propidium iodide to render viable amoeba green and dead amoeba red respectively using epifluorescence microscopy. 该技术已用于其他真核细胞,但未用于变形虫. 对数据进行分析,以确定(1)阿米巴原虫的存在与 军团菌spp. (2)变形虫的存在与使用的消毒剂类型有关. Data from an in vitro 对传统氧化性杀菌剂的评价也作了介绍.
Shivi Selvaratnam joined Weas Engineering in 2016 as the Senior Microbiologist and currently serves as the Director of the Chemistry and Microbiology Labs. 希维以博士学位毕业.D. 德雷塞尔大学微生物学专业, 随后在圣母大学完成了她的博士后学业, IN. She worked in academia for seven years as an Assistant Professor of Biology where she taught courses in microbiology and conducted research on the effects of pollutants on microbial communities in freshwater ecosystems. 加入Weas Engineering之前, Shivi worked as a Technical Environmental Specialist at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Dr. Selvaratnam是众多出版物、受邀演讲和研究资助的作者.
Show practical ways to protect companies from these risks
所有的主题将由Michael Reinert提出
Cybersecurity is a term we are all familiar with, 然而,十大菠菜靠谱老平台网络安全的典型信息非常令人困惑,因此大多数人和公司没有采取实际措施来更好地了解和保护自己免受网络攻击. 虽然讨论网络安全的方法有很多,但一种更简单的方法是理解它现在对公司来说是一种风险,就像许多其他风险一样,包括物理盗窃或损坏或人为或自然灾害. Businesses mitigate risks everyday to protect themselves and their hard won successes. 网络安全应该被视为类似的风险,公司应该采取类似的措施来保护自己. 本演讲将重点介绍对网络安全风险的基本理解以及保护公司免受这些风险的实用方法. I will define cybersecurity and associated risks, discuss practical methods to mitigate these risks, 并从案例研究中给出例子,以便在应用环境中理解信息.
Michael Reinert is the owner of Reinert Consulting Group. 迈克的工作重点是网络安全,以及帮助企业从他们的技术资金中获得最大收益. 他是一名退伍军人,曾在亚伯拉罕·林肯号航空母舰上担任核反应堆操作员. It was during this time in his career that he first became familiar with the importance of water treatment. Mike has also help start multiple successful companies in areas like pharmaceuticals, 药品记录管理, 公共安全管理信息技术服务和网络安全. Mike prides himself in making complex technologies easy for business professionals to understand and feel more confident in decisions related to technology. He spends his free time traveling with his family, exercising outdoors, and working in his gardens.
布莱恩Katarski, aquapphoenix科学公司的工业销售总监, 有超过14年的行业经验. 作为APS最初的员工之一,Brian拥有各种各样的角色和经验. 虽然一直从事销售工作, 他早期的大部分职业生涯都专注于运营和向组织引入精益/持续改进文化. Brian目前是AWT STEM工作组的志愿者, 这是一个致力于水处理相关科学实验的组织,旨在帮助高中生将AWT作为职业道路.
In today's tight labor market many of us in the water treatment industry continue to struggle to attract the right talent to meet our growing business needs. The fact is many companies -regardless of size – simply rely on traditional methods for recruiting, interviewing, and selecting individuals in the hopes of landing an acceptable candidate to hire. 基本上就是把鱼竿扔进水里,希望能钓到大鱼. Sometimes we get lucky; many times, we come up empty.
为了打破这种往水里扔杆子却得不到我们想要的结果的循环, 我们需要问自己几个问题. How can we become smarter and more efficient with attracting, recruiting, 建立人才管道来填补我们的招聘缺口? 我们如何打破传统的招聘方式,探索“打破常规”的方法? 如何让个人对在一个日益技术驱动的行业中工作所需的技能感兴趣?
通过参加本次会议, you will learn real life tested "best practices" to strategically engage and attract future employees by developing a community-based talent pipeline. 找出哪些技巧是成功的,哪些可能需要更多的时间和精力. Implement strategies that provide the opportunity for regular, 需要持续的交互来创建和维护这些重要的关系. 这包括社区参与, 与当地学校的合作, 以及参与当地组织.
Help your company stand out in a tight job market and start building your pipeline of talent immediately. You'll learn that it doesn't have to begin with a vast amount of resources or labor; rather from a few well-meaning partnerships, 你能吸引到一个有才能的人, engaged, 和适当激励员工,以满足您不断增长的业务需求.
The main objective of this presentation is to teach the audience that disinfectant residuals in potable water from building water systems with copper-silver ionization secondary disinfection systems may require different sample preservation approaches in order to neutralize copper and silver disinfectant residuals during transit to a laboratory for Legionella EDTA/硫代硫酸钠的混合物可以达到这个目的.
- Building water samples collected for culture detection of Legionella 一般都有添加还原剂, 比如硫代硫酸钠, 中和氯或其它卤素消毒剂残留物, 为了防止杀菌作用在运送到实验室的过程中继续进行.
-Disinfectant residuals in potable water from building water systems with copper-silver ionization secondary disinfection systems may require different sample preservation approaches in order to neutralize copper and silver disinfectant residuals during transit to a laboratory for Legionella testing.
——Resgalla等人的研究. (89年臭氧层, 102-107, 2012) has shown that EDTA and sodium thiosulfate will neutralize the toxicity of copper and silver in water, respectively. 我们将展示我们的结果, adding EDTA + sodium thiosulfate formulas to potable water samples containing copper and silver ions, 从而防止了铜和银离子在运输过程中的持续杀菌作用,并提供了更准确的 Legionella 文化的结果.
Richard D. Miller. Ph.D.环境安全技术有限公司.
Brandon Smith, University of Louisville, 医学院
Water samples collected for culture detection of Legionella 一般都有添加还原剂, 比如硫代硫酸钠, 中和氯或其它卤素消毒剂残留物, 为了防止杀菌作用在运送到实验室的过程中继续进行. However, 铜银离子二次消毒系统中饮用水中的消毒剂残留可能需要不同的样品保存方法,以中和铜和银消毒剂残留. 金属螯合剂, 如乙二胺-四乙酸酯(EDTA), 有什么推荐的吗. Resgalla等人的一项研究. (89年臭氧层, 102-107, 2012)表明EDTA能有效去除水中铜的金属毒性. EDTA不能消除银毒性, but was removed by sodium thiosulfate (at concentrations used for de-chlorination). However, EDTA chelation of metals does have some anti-bacterial activity at high concentrations. Thus, 本研究的目的是评估EDTA/硫代硫酸盐配方(在不同EDTA浓度下)的能力, EDTA salts, pH值对人体无害 Legionella), 中和使用Cu/Ag二级消毒系统的建筑水系统中水的金属毒性. 我们将介绍将这种鸡尾酒添加到收集的水样中的发现 Legionella 通过这些Cu/Ag电离系统对控制进行基于培养的验证, 从而防止铜和银离子在运输过程中继续杀菌作用,并提供更准确的培养结果.
Dr. Richard D. 米勒有博士学位.D. in microbiology from Penn State University in 1975, followed by two years of post-doctoral microbiology research at Oregon Health Sciences University. His training has been in infectious diseases microbiology, as well as applied and environmental microbiology. 作为路易斯维尔大学的一名教员, 医学院, 也是环境安全技术公司的共同所有人, Inc, Dr. 米勒曾与 Legionella continuously for the past 42 years, including both Legionella 发表的研究,以及 Legionella 楼宇水样测试. 他做了广泛的演讲 Legionella 以及在科学会议和专业组织会议上的其他微生物学主题.
雇主经常在日常工作中平衡相互竞争的利益和随之而来的风险. The need to terminate underperforming employees is a necessary component of any successful business. 在当今的诉讼文化中,离婚后提起诉讼的风险实在是太真实了. This program will provide step by step methods to mitigate the risk of being implicated in a lawsuit and increasing the chances for a successful defense. 这位听众将学到:
1. 允许的终止理由
2. 终止合同导致的诉讼风险领域
3. Dos and Don'ts of Successful Employee Separations
Karen Smith, 休斯顿办公室的股东, 有超过20年的就业法律实务和一般商业诉讼经验. 她的就业法律业务包括平等就业机会委员会收费和索赔调查, 为违反州和联邦歧视指控辩护, benefit-related事项, 工资和工时纠纷, 和竞业禁止, 禁止邀约和分离协议. 她曾成功地就员工离职为客户提供咨询,并为公司和被解雇的员工辩护.
Adam Green, 休斯顿办公室的股东, leads the Firm's Water Technology & 水处理组. 除了处理与水处理系统和水传播病原体有关的纠纷, 他还经常在商业交易的各个阶段为化学水处理公司提供建议. 他已经准备好了, 雇主与雇员之间的纠纷(包括涉及化学水处理的纠纷)的谈判和诉讼.
The need to terminate underperforming employees is an unfortunate reality for many water treatment companies. 在当今的诉讼文化中,离婚后提起诉讼的风险实在是太真实了. This program will provide step by step methods to mitigate the risk of being implicated in a lawsuit and increasing the chances for a successful defense. 这位听众将学到:
Janet E. Stout, PhD
Outbreaks among hospitalized patients are caused by waterborne pathogens other than Legionella 并定期发生. 这些包括手术伤口感染, 支气管镜污染引起的呼吸道感染, 牙线污染, 水槽排水管和制冰机. These outbreaks prompted the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to add other waterborne pathogens to the 2018 memorandum requiring healthcare facilities to have water management programs to control the growth and spread of Legionella. 特别包括CMS Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas 和非结核分枝杆菌(NTM).
水处理专业人员现在应该就这两种疾病的风险和管理向医疗机构提供建议 Legionella 以及其他水媒病原体. The level of knowledge and skill necessary to meet this expectation crosses the disciplines of epidemiology, 感染控制和传染病, 水暖设计及建造. 需要十大菠菜网排行来提供必要的知识以应对这些挑战.
Furthermore, 在检测方法方面,并非所有水媒病原体都是平等的, 风险和缓解. Learn why hospital laboratories may not detect these pathogens and why Legionella prevention approaches are not effective against all waterborne pathogens such as Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas 非结核分枝杆菌.
Dr. Janet E. 斯托特是特殊病原体实验室的总裁兼主任, and research associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 传染病微生物学家. Stout是全球公认的军团菌和水传播病原体的开创性发现和开创性研究. Dr. Stout's more than 30 years of research is published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. 她还撰写了十大菠菜靠谱老平台军团菌和军团病的教科书章节, including the Legionella chapter in the APIC Text. Additionally, 她担任ASHRAE军团菌标准委员会的军团菌指南12和SPC 188委员会的ANSI / ASHRAE标准188-2015军团菌病:建筑水系统的风险管理, ASHRAE标准514,是冷却技术研究所的董事会成员.
Bios: 所有小组成员都参加过多个全国性的公开演讲活动
劳伦斯,辛德 万豪度假集团全球工程运营副总裁
拉里是一位充满活力的工程领导者,拥有35年的设施管理经验, 项目管理和工程运营,包括酒店, 核设施, hospitals, 商业及混合用途设施. Hospitality engineering management including hotel openings, acquisitions, 工程专责小组, security, risk management and large scale capital projects.
罗伯特·坎宁安,P.E. is a water treatment consultant providing advice and advanced problem-solving skills. Bob brings 55 years of domestic and international field service and 故障排除 experience with several large national water treatment companies. Bob目前是首席顾问. His background lies in cooling water chemistry, 商业和工业, 在开放和封闭的系统中, 以及锅炉水化学. Additionally, 他有处理废水的经验, 工业和市政, 以及市政饮用水和工艺水化学.
Colin Frayne
Colin Frayne是英国人, 现在是乔治亚州的美国公民, and recognized as one of the world's leading industry consultants in water treatment, 环境科学, 工业过程化学. 他在工业界工作了半个多世纪,并接受了原始训练, 工业化学家, 腐蚀工程师, 环境科学家. 在此期间, Colin曾在各大洲(南极洲除外)生活过,并在70多个国家的不同行业工作过, 比如公用发电厂, coke ovens, 金属开采和精炼, oil & 天然气、化学和核燃料厂.
Bill Pearson
Bill毕业于东卡罗莱纳大学生物学/医学生物化学专业,是美国化学会(ACS)和全国腐蚀工程师协会(NACE International)的成员。. 活跃于多个水处理技术行业及相关专业协会. 他目前担任十大菠菜靠谱老平台(AWT)与美国制热制冷和空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)和冷却技术研究所(CTI)的联络员。. He has chaired the AWT Legionella Task Force and served as the AWT organizational representative on the NSF Standard 444 (Legionella) joint committee. In addition, Bill has served on AWT task forces to the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) and the U.S. 绿色建筑委员会(USGBC). Bill担任ASHRAE(军团病)SSPC 188委员会副主席和CTI(159)军团病委员会主席.
Robert M. O'Donnell is the Founding Partner of Aquanomix LLC, 并拥有超过20年的水管理行业经验. Rob拥有一项十大菠菜靠谱老平台系统能源和水效率优化的美国专利. 他拥有包括生物技术在内的不同客户领域的经验, 飞机制造, banking and data centers industries among others. His work includes water reclamation technologies, 积极的雨水管理, 以及地下水的修复和再利用. Rob has held several national positions such as the ASPE Main Design Standards Committee Member, AWT National Liaisons to US Green Building Council, ICC/CSA北美雨水收集系统标准委员会成员和美国.S. Technical Advisory Group Member to ISO/TC 282-Water Reuse.
格林把他的实践集中在涉及水处理系统的事务上, 水处理化学, 产品质量责任, 商业诉讼, construction and toxic torts on a national scale. 他曾在超过25个州担任首席法律顾问,从夏威夷到佛罗里达再到马萨诸塞州. Adam defended the first reported Legionella wrongful death case against a chemical water treater from the trial court through the United State fifth circuit court of appeals.
劳伦的背景是一名教育工作者和化学研究人员, Math, 工程和数据科学领域. She is currently the Client Success Manager at Aquanomix. 劳伦拥有数学学士学位、土木工程硕士学位和博士学位. 土木工程.
In this state of the industry, the moderator will lead an esteemed panel discussion. 小组成员将分享他们在整个职业生涯中的个人经验,利用有限的数据集来解决与水有关的问题和历史上出现的挑战, as well as illustrate how that is changing with better data collection methodolgies. 更好的数据产生更好的结果.
This will lead into a discussion of present-day analytics, 物联网(IoT), and how it fits into the landscape of our industry.
智能楼宇管理已经到来! Smart building technology encompasses security, elevator, HVAC, and lighting control.
问题是“业主何时会要求水处理合作伙伴提供更智能的数据驱动解决方案,以支持风险管理目标?' 随着水管理专业人员在管理建筑物中固有的水相关风险方面的期望,这一趋势正在转变.
Major concerns in facilities operations includes the protection of capital assets, 乘员安全和机械设备的运行效率. 将在圆桌会议上确定和讨论这些风险,以解释水管理提供者不断变化的作用. Doing more with less is the rallying cry in the data age. 数据科学现在提供了更及时的, 准确和精确的方式来支持管理这些无处不在的风险. 小组成员将重点介绍数据分析驱动水相关风险解决方案的方式.
The roundtable will close with the moderator reviewing frequently asked questions and subsequent audience Q&A.
In 2016 HydroChem Australia constructed a new production facility introducing several innovations:
举个例子, it is now possible to blend water treatment chemicals without any human interaction with the equipment. In addition, 当装入15升桶时, all filling, 封盖和贴标在自动化生产线上处理(带机械臂). 请看附件中的图片.
In the three years since the system was introduced, HydroChem Australia has recognised significant improvements. This presentation will explain the process and provide an analysis of the benefits realised in comparison to traditional manufacturing processes.
HydroChem Australia is responsible for over 5,000 locations. A number of national clients have portfolios of 50+ complex locations with 10+ assets on each location. 就潜在的资产损失和军团病爆发的可能性而言,这些资产对客户构成重大风险.
从客户的角度来看, it is not unusual for 2 or 3 asset managers in a central location to be tasked the responsibility for maintaining all assets across a complex national portfolio.
Clarity Portal提供了许多好处(见附件中的图片):
This presentation will describe the features of the portal, 开发过程(不太IT技术)以及对HydroChem Australia客户经理的意想不到的优势.
农业和热电发电消耗了近90%的淡水. The trend in electricity generation is moving towards renewal resources such as wind, 太阳能和地热, 需要很少的水. 这些新十大菠菜网排行减少了温室气体和水的使用. However, harvesting Geothermal energy as a renewal resource requires a great deal of water treatment. 本文深入探讨了地热产业在地热盐水管理方面面临的挑战, 能量回收最大化, 资产保护. Different segments of a geothermal plant have unique challenges and require innovating solutions. 大多数地热发电厂也有基于十大菠菜网排行的焓和盐水化学的独特设计. 美国水技术专家在水处理方面有出色的解决方案,并且非常熟悉处理水垢的基本问题, corrosion, 沉积物和生物污染. 地热系统面临同样的挑战,需要类似的解决方案, however, 在不同环境下, 本文讨论了哪些内容.
The objective of this Cooling Committee Technical Paper is to outline a water treatment management plan designed to improve program performance and limit liability concerns at cooling water accounts by establishing a Shared Responsibility Management Agreement between the 水处理 Service Company (WTSC) and the Facility Management Staff (FMS).
In all open recirculating cooling water systems, 即使是技术最先进的水处理产品也无法弥补产品应用不良或系统控制不一致的缺陷. 没有适当的监督, 冷却水系统很快就会受到各种操作问题的影响, 包括增加腐蚀速率, 结垢和沉积问题, 微生物活性增加. Over time, 这些问题会导致设备使用寿命缩短, increased electric and water consumption rates, 产品质量差, 甚至可能引起健康问题, 比如军团病. 在最坏的情况下,这些问题甚至可能导致昂贵且耗时的诉讼. 这些类型的问题在中小型账户中最为明显, where the 水处理 Service Company (WTSC) may only conduct service visits on a bi-weekly, 按月甚至按季度计算, and program oversight by the Facility Management Staff (FMS) is now typically modest or even non-existent.
However, 如果WTSC和FMS共同努力充分识别,仍然可以获得适当的系统控制和优异的结果, understand, 并记录他们对项目监督的个人责任, testing, 和报告. Effective control of water treatment systems in any facility requires both the product and technical expertise of the WTSC and the day-to-day oversight of the FMS. WTSC具有选择合适的水处理方案的背景和知识, 提供必要的产品, set up the required system monitoring and testing equipment, 并定期访问现场,审查项目的合规性. FMS每天都在大楼里, and is actually in the best position to ensure that the water treatment program is operating as designed. As such, 的知识, expertise, 如果项目要取得成功,最终需要双方共同努力的时间承诺.
AWT共同责任水处理协议, 由制冷委员会制定, 本质上是WTSC和FMS之间签署的文件,概述了每个责任方在日常基础上执行的测试和任务. 它承认WTSC不可能每天都在工厂, 因此,FMS必须执行某些任务,以确保冷却水处理程序的一致和成功运行. 本文件的目的是提供书面指导方针,概述各方应进行的具体测试和任务,以确保水处理计划的成功运行. It must be stressed here that we are presenting "Guidelines" that are to be used by the individual WTSC and FMS to develop a program that is specific and useful to their water treatment program and building staffing requirements. 并非每个指南中概述的所有测试程序或监督任务都需要纳入最终协议. 您甚至可能希望包括一些新的测试程序或您自己的任务,甚至没有在当前的指导方针中列出. However, 许多常规测试大纲在协议中, 比如电导率, pH, 温度和ORP测量, 现在是否可以使用具有数据记录和云报告功能的现代数字系统控制器进行. As the size of the cooling water system increases, 和更多的例行服务访问由WTSC提供, 项目测试和FMS监督的总体负担减少了.
With a properly prepared and executed "Shared Responsibility Management Agreement" between the WTSC and FMS, both parties should have a document that clearly outlines specific testing and task responsibilities, 提高程序性能, and minimizes the possibility of legal action. 一旦完成, 共同责任管理协议可以作为一个独立的文件使用, 或者更常见的是作为新提案或合同的附录页.
肯·索德将代表制冷委员会发言. Mr. Soeder是詹姆斯敦技术公司的高级技术顾问, 一家综合性化学品制造商和供应商, 在商业和工业水处理应用中使用的过程控制设备和客户支持服务, CT. During Mr. Soeder在水处理行业工作了37年, he has published more than 12 technical papers on corrosion, deposit, 以及各种处理水系统的微生物控制, 还获得了两项新产品开发的美国专利. Mr. Soeder has experience in treating many different types of water handling equipment, 包括大型冷却塔及相关商用锅炉, industrial, 以及发电业务, 废水处理系统, 地下水修复应用, 以及饮用水服务.
Mr. Soeder毕业于纽约州立大学(SUNY) Oneonta,获得生物学学士学位,辅修化学, and has also received a Master of Science Degree in Water Resource Management from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse. Mr. Soeder has also earned the prestigious Certified Water Technologist (CWT) credential presented by the 十大菠菜靠谱老平台 (AWT). Mr. Soeder is also a twenty year active participant in the AWT's important Cooling Water Technical Committee, and a member of the American Chemical Society. 就在最近. Soeder served as a contributing author for the AWT's Legionella 2019 Position Paper.
罗Erlitzki. PhD
在考虑任何水处理解决方案时,高回收率过程和废物流或浓缩物管理是关键问题, 是否过滤, adsorption, 或反渗透(RO)进行脱盐.
Increasing recovery rate and reducing the volume of RO concentrate creates significant savings (CAPEX & OPEX),同时展示环境责任和水十大菠菜网排行管理.
This presentation will focus on the 倒流 RO technology that employs conventional RO equipment with 2 unique principles: 倒流 and Block Rotation. 倒流, whether it is a new RO system or a retrofitted one, 是不使用任何专有设备的连续工艺吗, does not require any special operator training, and can operate as conventional RO (if needed).
The process, 哪一种适用于不同类型的反渗透应用, 减少结垢和生物污染, 结果是非常高的回收率.
我们将解释这项技术是如何工作的, 生成的储蓄, 并通过展示不同应用程序(重用)的示例来简化集中管理, 集中回收, 微咸水, 以及多种污染情况), focusing on a case study of 倒流 RO retrofit in a beverage plant in the US.
罗Erlitzki is Director of Business Development and Innovation with AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC. Ronit's career is based on strong scientific foundation and implementation of strategic and critical thinking. With more than 20 years of experience in biochemistry research and business development Ronit's main interest is water and wastewater technology, and her goal is to accelerate the implementation of innovative clean technologies, 专注于改善可持续的解决方案,以应对环境挑战. Ronit is a savvy water professional and has been successfully involved in the commercialization of several technologies in the field of water quality analysis, biological water treatment and high recovery RO.
罗妮特拥有学士学位. 从特拉维夫大学获得生物学学位, 并获得了以色列Technion-Machon technology的医学科学硕士和理学硕士学位.
Andrew K. Boal, Ph.D.
While a variety of both oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocides are used to disinfect waters in 冷却塔, 含水溴是最常用的杀菌剂之一. 因为在冷却塔的高pH值环境中,次溴酸的相对含量更高, aqueous bromine is often considered to be a superior disinfection option relative to other oxidizing biocides, 尽管使用溴会增加成本. 溴水溶液可以通过添加溴化钠与次氯酸钠或氯气结合或使用输送稳定的次氯酸钠溶液引入冷却塔. While these options can deliver the desired aqueous bromine to the cooling tower being disinfected, they are accompanied by operational challenges such as complex injection controls, 高运营成本, 以及处理危险化学品的要求. 长期以来,电氯化系统一直被用来解决类似的问题,当用含水氯处理水时,通过在现场和按需使用盐制作次氯酸钠基氧化剂溶液, water, 和电. Recently research and development has enabled the use of this same process to produce aqueous bromine solutions through the electrolysis of brines comprised of sodium chloride and sodium bromide with the addition of sulfamic acid as a bromine stabilizing agent. This paper will present the chemical and engineering aspects of this process and discuss how aqueous bromine solutions produced through electrohalogenation can be used as part of an overall cooling tower water treatment program.
Dr. 得到的是Ph值.D. 2002年从马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校获得有机化学学位. 毕业后,博士. Boal worked for Sandia National Laboratories and a NASA funded research center at the University of Hawaii before joining the private sector by taking a job at MIOX. 在MIOX的时候, 他在开发基于电解系统的新型水处理化学物质方面承担了越来越多的责任,并最终成为MIOX的首席科学家. Over the last several years as MIOX has evolved into a business unit of De Nora Water Technologies, Dr. Boal has taken on a more commercial-focused role and currently manages business development opportunities for electrochlorination systems in the Oil and Gas market space while continuing to support new technology development programs at DNWT.
Jeff Bates
军团病的爆发继续成为头条新闻, “其他”机会性建筑水病原体可以被忽视, by water management professionals and their busy customers. Yet 铜绿假单胞菌 是昂贵医疗保健获得性感染的主要来源吗, 游泳池和水疗中心爆发疫情的主要原因之一,甚至在一些国家的冷却塔中被确定为一个问题吗. 水处理商越来越需要了解在哪里 铜绿假单胞菌 is most likely to be found, where it should be of significant concern (and where not!),以及如何帮助减少其致病的风险, 这种疾病是致命的还是令人不愉快的.
为什么P在哪里. 铜绿菌令人担忧? According to the CDC's 2019 Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report, in 2017, "multidrug-resistant 铜绿假单胞菌 估计造成32人死亡,600 infections among hospitalized patients and 2,700 estimated deaths" leading to extensive healthcare expense. P. aeruginosa 新生儿病房是否特别危险? 2017年和2019年分别发生了多名婴儿死亡的悲剧性疫情. 水在……中起着重要作用 P. aeruginosa 感染发生在医院,那里有许多细菌的“储存库”:饮用水, faucets/taps, 水槽和淋浴排水管, 呼吸设备, humidifiers, endoscopes, water baths, 水疗池, etc. (Bedard, 2016)风险评估, 并考虑对这些场所采取适当的控制措施. “游泳者的耳朵”和“热水浴缸皮疹”可以被视为仅仅是不便, 但每一种都可能导致疫情爆发, 游泳池/水疗中心关闭,给酒店和休闲设施的声誉留下了持久的污点. 这些疾病的潜在来源也需要在水管理计划中加以考虑. Finally, from an occupational safety perspective, P. aeruginosa 在冷却塔维护和清洁过程中会引起疾病(watr, 2002), as well as metabolize nitrogen-based corrosion inhibitors, 导致腐蚀问题. (Spies等人,出版前手稿.)
What do current guidance and standards documents say about P. aeruginosa? 本报告将回顾水管理计划对CMS覆盖的医院和长期护理设施的期望 铜绿假单胞菌. 主讲人还将向与会者介绍最新的工作进展 铜绿假单胞菌 risk reduction being worked on by industry organizations. 为了举例说明其他国家如何应对这一风险以及北美未来可能出现的情况,演讲者将介绍世界其他地区的法规, 包括英国在内, France, and Germany.
十大菠菜靠谱老平台可用于检测和测量的工具,研究表明了什么 P. aeruginosa? 检测的行业标准 P. aeruginosa is by a culture method performed in a laboratory. Traditionally, culture tests have been performed on hot and cold tap water as well as on treated pools and spa water. 用棉签技术采集的生物膜样本的培养测试也很常见. 近年来,培养方法用于检测和定量 铜绿假单胞菌 被推得更远了吗. This presentation will include results from a study by German researchers who have tested highly contaminated cooling tower water n the hopes of identifying more streamlined ways to meet that country's new cooling tower pseudomonas 监控需求.
Jeff Bates is the Product Manager for IDEXX Water's Building Water Testing Solutions, 其中包括快速, easy, 准确的测试 嗜肺性军团菌 and 铜绿假单胞菌. Since joining IDEXX Jeff has focused on the public health challenges associated with premise plumbing systems, 尤其是考虑到最近建筑用途的变化. Jeff has a B.A. 米德尔伯里学院环境研究学位和弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院工商管理硕士学位.
机会主义的, 水源致病菌军团菌引起的,2018年美国出现933例军团病(CDC).gov). 通过水管理规划保持建筑用水系统的清洁,可减少军团病的发病率。. wmp通常包括验证测试,以确认细菌的控制, but the traditional culture method for enumerating Legionella requires 10–14 days to obtain results. A rapid DNA extraction developed by Phigenics and a real-time PCR negative screen for the genus Legionella provided results the day after sampling. This study evaluated the Next Day Legionella PCR (Phigenics, 与传统的培养方法(ISO 11731)进行了比较,125个建筑水样大约1年. Two DNA extraction methods (Methods 1 and 2) were compared. 方法1与传统培养相比,次日军团菌PCR阴性预测值(NPV)为99.95%, 99.92%, 99.85%, and 99.17% at >10, >2, >1, and >0.检出限分别为1 CFU/ml. 改进的DNA提取方法(方法2)将NPV提高到100%和99%.88% at >1 and >0.1 CFU/ml. 这些结果证明了属级军团菌PCR阴性筛选预测培养阴性水样的可靠性.
Jonathan is a Product Manager for Phigenics Analytical Laboratory Services (PASL). In this role, 他负责完整的Phigenics测试产品组合, 包括定义产品愿景,为Phigenics的销售团队和客户开发培训和十大菠菜网排行. Jonathan has been with Phigenics for five years. 他从实验室开始, 然后转到技术销售部门,担任客户经理. In this role, he developed and implemented Water Management Programs (WMP) for clients across the U.S. and Canada.
乔纳森有十多年的实验室经验. 在Phigenics之前, he worked in both an analytical laboratory and an environmental chemistry laboratory. 在这些实验室里, he gained experience in molecular and serological techniques and ICP-OES and ICP-MS instruments. 乔纳森拥有加州奥克兰圣名大学的生物学学士学位.
The goal of this presentation is to illustrate why it is important for water treaters to generate quality reports and maintain access to historical data.
Adam Dumler——所有话题
During this presentation attendees will learn about the importance of quality reporting and access to historical data from both the strategic and technical perspective. 许多水处理公司向客户提供的服务最终都通过报告记录下来,并与最终客户共享, 然而,并非所有报告都是平等创建的.
Some water treaters are of the mindset that reports are simply a routine task which causes them to underappreciate the benefits that come with sharing a thorough, professional-quality report with the end customer. 本演示回顾了在高质量报告中发现的不同组件,无论行业或公司规模如何. Attendees will also be shown examples of different types of services that can be documented as well as how they are perceived from the customer's perspective.
除了报告质量, 水处理在当今的环境中遇到竞争和监管的挑战,他们必须克服,以取得成功. 许多与水处理咨询方面相关的挑战不仅可以通过高质量的报告,而且可以通过全面访问历史数据来解决. 通过在他们自己的组织内建立报告标准, 水处理将提高所创建历史数据的质量和有用性. 当面临监管或竞争挑战时,可以利用这些数据.
The value of data is not limited to reporting; many of the feed and control equipment solutions in the market today have the capability to provide historical data from an additional perspective. 该报告讨论了可以收集的不同类型的数据,以及水处理公司如何利用这些信息来更好地提高其提供的服务质量.
通过结合高质量的报告和访问历史数据, the water treater can be prepared to fully utilize the consulting aspect of water treatment to achieve success in their respective industries.
Adam Dumler is one of the founding members of H2trOnics, Inc. 该公司最近通过收购成为AquaPhoenix家族的一部分. He has nearly two decades of experience working with water treatment companies of all sizes both domestically and internationally to provide the guidance and tools needed to enhance the consulting aspect of water treatment. Throughout the years he has worked with employees at every level within a water treater's organization – from business owners to sales reps and even the end customer – in order to gain an understanding of what each role's expectations are with regards to reporting. 本报告概述了他对高质量报告和获取历史数据的重要性的认识.
与会者将了解数字仪表板如何帮助水处理公司的客户更快地做出更明智的决策, 更有效地利用宝贵十大菠菜网排行.
Sean Parmelee
由于工厂工程师被迫以更少的钱做更多的事——做更多的事来保护他们的资产, 防止停机时间, 节约用水, save energy, and practice good water safety--technologically innovative water treaters have an opportunity to help them. Internet-connected smart controllers can collect sensor data in multiple buildings at each of multiple facilities; a digital dashboard can then gather all of this data together, 执行客户特定的计算, 并呈现与操作员最相关的信息, engineers, 或者公司人员. This focused, real-time visibility into geographically widely separated facilities helps both the customer and the water treater to make smarter decisions faster, and to use precious resources more efficiently. Three case studies are presented, each highlighting a benefit of the digital dashboard approach.
2010年,Sean Parmelee作为一名研究化学家加入了水处理领域, 并于2016年获得伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的硕士学位. 他参与了水处理的许多方面, from formulation development to plant auditing, 并在同行评议的学术和行业期刊上发表了原创研究文章. 作为HOH Water Technology的技术销售专员, 他帮助销售和服务工程师实施和改进治疗方案,为客户带来最大的价值.
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